Hi! I'm Kiro, I'm genderfluid and use any pronouns, and I do a variety of things online! I'm primarily an artist, with a paricular affinity for funny guys and silly monsters. My primary project is my webcomic, Graveyard Getdown, but I also do a variety of other things, such as making YouTube videos featuring me and my friends!
Things I Would Recommend
VIDEO GAMES: Rhythm Doctor, Underhero, Wuppo, Enter the Gungeon, Exit the Gungeon, A Dance of Fire and Ice, Indie Pogo, Bits & Bops, Rhythm Quest, Tres-Bashers
WEBCOMICS: PAY DAT RENT!!!1, First Contact, Kidutus, Synodic Link, Don't Screw This Up (and DSTU Classic), bungis (I contributed to this one!), What Happens Next, Preeny Has to Repeat 6th Grade